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Make Your Mind Matter

my authentic me Mar 15, 2021

Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you can’t- you are right.”  Some may choose to to dismiss the phrase but there is truth to it. Humans are cognitive beings. Everything we do and everything we feel originates in our mind as thoughts. These thoughts form perspectives and influence our decisions. Those decisions lead us to or keep us from action. The pattern of thoughts we choose to focus on shape the quality of our lives. 

Almost everyone has heard the saying “mind over matter”, but how easy is it to actually implement that into everyday life?  For some people it can be a daunting task. But fortunately training your mind using special techniques to overcome problems and manifest results is very doable .

What is Mind over Matter?

The mind in this context refers to your thoughts, beliefs and intentions.  And matter is the physical body and the environment. Mind over matter therefore means your mind...

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Balance Is Key

my authentic me Mar 01, 2021

Maintaining a balanced life is becoming increasingly more important for your personal health and well-being in a fast-paced, modern world. Sustaining a balanced mind, body, and spirit can help improve and stabilize overall health and wellbeing.  

For those of you that know me, already know I have lived and taught the importance of a balanced life for as long as I can remember. Looking back I have strived to live a balanced life since I was a teen. Being  a student, an all year round athlete, and having a part time job caused me to learn really quick that it was imperative to have balance in order to be successful .

Many people are led to believe that it’s impossible to find balance because there just isn’t enough time in the day or energy in the body. It simply feels impossible to balance all that life throws at us on a given day or week. Balance is often mis-understood as making all things equal and giving equal weight to all...

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Faith In The Hateful Middle

my authentic me Jan 18, 2021

We all pray for growth, prosperity, wisdom, and advancement both  spiritually and physically.  We all want that vision of being healed, having the house, spouse, kids, or the job so bad that we forget one major part.  There is always a hateful middle.  

The hateful middle is that time frame between when you wish for something better and achieving said goal.  That season where we are put through the fire or put in a pressure cooker.  Everyone knows what I am speaking about and none of us like to being there. 

Have you or someone you know vowed to loose weight?  At first you go to the gym every day and you are eating right.  Fast forward to week two or three.  Many get tired of getting up for those morning workouts and are too tired after work to go to the gym. Perhaps they find it difficult to find the time or energy to meal prep for the upcoming week.   Whatever the reason more often than not individuals give up far...

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You Are Still Standing

my authentic me Jan 04, 2021

Well we made it!  It is finally 2021!  Let’s all take a moment and exhale over that fact alone. We have left the most stressful and trying year many of us have ever been through.  Maybe you had goals for 2020 that were not meant.  Perhaps you are nowhere near your original goals that you had set for yourself.  You might be feeling overwhelmed or that you failed in your efforts to better yourself over these last twelve months. 

Do you criticize yourself for not getting enough done at the end of the day? Or are you hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned? No matter what your goal is, a negative state of mind—one that’s pessimistic, self-critical, or discouraging—won’t do you any good. If this sounds anything like you I want to remind you of one thing.  You are still standing!  You are still here.  So many have been struggling with silent battles that seem to be never ending. Countless...

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Delayed But Not Dismissed

my authentic me Dec 21, 2020

Delayed is defined as the act of postponing, hindering, or causing something to occur more slowly than normal.  Dismissed is defines as o go; give permission or a request to depart. to discharge or remove, as from office or service.  Many people are thinking that they have been dismissed when in fact they are just being delayed.

A few days ago I was speaking with a client and they kept referring to  their time had passed.  They stated that the world has given up on them and moved on.  When I asked what made them come to this conclusion the reply I received hit me.  They had come to this drastic ending based on the fact that their goals/dreams had not been manifested yet.  I thought to myself how did can anyone jump from A to Z so quickly. 

As I tried to bring some rational thought to the situation it came to me.  Many of us give up on our vision because we think we have been dismissed when in reality we have been delayed. There is a...

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Access Versus Activation

my authentic me Nov 23, 2020

Most of us have a debit or credit card.  We receive them in the mail with instructions that they cannot be used until we call a number to activate it.  You have the card tangibly in your hand yet it is useless until you take an action. This is because having access is different then being activated. 

The same can be said with our individual purposes in life.   Access is defines as the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance.  Activation is defined as the action or process of making something active or operative.  With your credit card you have to call the number provided in order to utilize your line of credit. We must take action to have our purpose to come to fruition as well.  You may have the ability to do something,  but it is what you do with it that matters.

Have you ever seen a natural born athlete?  That person who was built for a certain sport.  Everyone knows that...

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Stop Using Scripture to Spew Your Hate

my authentic me Oct 12, 2020

In my last blog I spoke about fighting spiritual battles with weapons of the flesh.  Since then I have seen more people spewing hate while quoting scripture.  The two just do not go hand in hand.  This is a prime example of fighting with the wrong weapons.  God is a God of love and not hate. We cannot go around using His word as a tool to preach our own agenda and slap the name of the Lord on it. 

This is a season where His children are supposed to be the light of the world.  Instead too many are a stumbling block for others.  Almost daily we can see a fight where believer is against believer.  Family member against family member and friend against friend.  You see verbal and physical altercations over the silliest of matters. (Wearing a mask for instance or what political party you are in)  People quote scripture to make a point why someone with an opposing view is “not saved” or that they are bound for hell. You see His...

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Grace Doesnโ€™t Always Look Gracious

my authentic me Aug 24, 2020

This season is calling us to pass this test once and for all.  God is asking us to reach a level that most of us have never seen. He needs us to master this level so we can be used for the next chapter.  Our current mindsets and behaviors will not make it where He is moving us. Many have struggled with the same issue(s) and demons for decades.  God has given you chance after chance to slay that giant, but we fail to do so. We can longer pay the sale’s price for grace.  God has freely given us chance after chance to overcome whatever our struggles have been.  He has shown us patience beyond our understanding because that is they kind of God we serve.  He gives freely without asking anything in return.

We are now entering a season where we can no longer get everything on credit.  God is asking ( not making) us to step into a realm where we no longer battle the same old same old.  He is asking us to enter into a dimension with  Him...

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Live In Your New Normal

my authentic me Aug 10, 2020

There is no denying many of us have been going through the most difficult times of our lives these last few months.  It seems around every corner we are taking another direct punch to the gut. However, many of us are also being pulled to come out a different version of ourselves.  We know that this season is requiring us to step up our game.  Situations, people, and jobs that use to fulfill us no longer seem relevant. If you have been following my blogs you will know that we are going through the cycle of transformation. 

God is evolving every aspect of who we are.  He is changing mindsets, thought processes, and so much more.  If you are like me, than you have had quite the emotional and physical roller coaster ride during this process.  Hopefully it is one you do not want to have to go through again.  I know I don’t.  As we start to emerge and head back out into the world I want to make sure you take the new you along. ...

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The Cycle Of Transformation

my authentic me Jul 27, 2020

Lately I  have been thinking about all the changes and stages that we go through in a lifetime. If We are in a constant state of growth. (If we allow it to occur)  Just when we think that we have a life mastered we find ourselves reaching for the next  level. We are going from glory to glory. For those of us that choose to follow this path there is a cycle that we follow.  It is like the metamorphosis of a butterfly.  We go through a  transformation.  It is hard, but so worth it.  Of course we are constantly changing, but the process does not.  

I started listing what I thought were the steps to a cycle of transformation a few months ago. To be honest I was having a difficult time putting pen to paper.  I had a few things written down, but it was not until I heard my Pastor, Toure Roberts, preach on a very similar topic that things clicked. I thank God for him because he gave me the words that I could not find.  


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