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Stop Using Scripture to Spew Your Hate

my authentic me Oct 12, 2020

In my last blog I spoke about fighting spiritual battles with weapons of the flesh.  Since then I have seen more people spewing hate while quoting scripture.  The two just do not go hand in hand.  This is a prime example of fighting with the wrong weapons.  God is a God of love and not hate. We cannot go around using His word as a tool to preach our own agenda and slap the name of the Lord on it. 

This is a season where His children are supposed to be the light of the world.  Instead too many are a stumbling block for others.  Almost daily we can see a fight where believer is against believer.  Family member against family member and friend against friend.  You see verbal and physical altercations over the silliest of matters. (Wearing a mask for instance or what political party you are in)  People quote scripture to make a point why someone with an opposing view is “not saved” or that they are bound for hell. You see His word being used as a sword to judge and persecute others.  Certainly we, as followers of Christ, know that this is the opposite of what we are called to do!  

We are called to preach the truth in love!  We are to share the gospel in love.  Teach His word in love.  Never in the Bible I read does it say to be judge, jury, and executioner.  I have never read any verse that gives man the right to use His word as a weapon to hurt others.  

Religion has always had somewhat of a superiority complex within denominations.  Where one faith believes strongly that they are the “real way” and the “ only way” to get into heaven. If we add that to the events of 2020, then it is no wonder we are seeing the current behavior from God’s children. Tensions have never ran higher. From the financial stress of the pandemic to the racial divide, we are a people that are truly on edge. 

The stresses of the times are bringing out the truest form of people’s hearts. With the misconception that some believers are better than others, the church is showing a level of hate that some have buried.  Add this already grandiose mindset with the circumstances we are currently experiencing it is a perfect storm for further divide. 

It is my belief that God has allowed the affairs that are going on to bring to light the flaws in His church.  He is trying to get His children to become the authentic Kingdom of God. I want to implore anyone that calls themselves a Child of God to seek out what truly is in their hearts.  Ask yourself if you are displaying the authentic love of Christ.  Take some time to reflect what actions you are exhibiting in this season.  Are you showing patience, kindness, grace, and love for all men.  Even those that have opposing views?  Or are you finding yourself getting into arguments with anyone and everyone?  Do find yourself living in a constant mode of defense? 

It is my strong feeling that God is trying to call out a behavior that is long overdue to change.  The church cannot move forward ( and won’t) in its current condition.  His body has to come to a place where we have the ability to stand up for what is right without hurting others.  We need to reach the level in Christ where we can still show His love for those that spitefully use us.  We must grow to the point where, like Jesus, we can move forward in peace with all men. That does not mean we agree or even get along all the time.   It simply means we stop the bickering. We stop the name calling, the judging, and the persecuting. It means we start praying for our enemies.  Pray that their hearts are pricked and that God changes their mindsets.  That they may see through OUR ACTIONS that love of Christ.  It means we rise above the noise and learn to fight the world’s injustice in a way that we do not become what we are fighting against. 


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