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Access Versus Activation

my authentic me Nov 23, 2020

Most of us have a debit or credit card.  We receive them in the mail with instructions that they cannot be used until we call a number to activate it.  You have the card tangibly in your hand yet it is useless until you take an action. This is because having access is different then being activated. 

The same can be said with our individual purposes in life.   Access is defines as the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance.  Activation is defined as the action or process of making something active or operative.  With your credit card you have to call the number provided in order to utilize your line of credit. We must take action to have our purpose to come to fruition as well.  You may have the ability to do something,  but it is what you do with it that matters.

Have you ever seen a natural born athlete?  That person who was built for a certain sport.  Everyone knows that they will go far in their craft. Only as time goes on they start to flounder. The competition passes their skill set. That individual that was once the rising star is now sitting on the sidelines.  Have you ever asked yourself why this occurs?  The answer is having access versus activation.  That athlete had all the talent and potential to make it big.  He or she had access!  What was lacking was the activation!  They did not get up for those extra morning practices.  There was no all year round training being done.  This person relied too much on the access.  There was no growth transpiring.

The lack of action allowed others to catch up to where they were. One person may start out ahead, but growth must still occur.  On the other hand, maybe you are the one that is behind.  Perhaps you have to work twice as hard to get where someone else is naturally.  Take pride in the fact that  you can and will catch up or surpass them because you are activated.

I want to encourage you as we enter the last few weeks of 2020 to activate yourself!  This year has been a year where we have been allowed to take the time to do just that.  Many have chosen to use this season to make the change from access to activation.  If you have not made the decision it is not too late!  Decide today to take that first step into a better tomorrow by activating the potential that lies within you. 






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