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Grace Doesn’t Always Look Gracious

my authentic me Aug 24, 2020

This season is calling us to pass this test once and for all.  God is asking us to reach a level that most of us have never seen. He needs us to master this level so we can be used for the next chapter.  Our current mindsets and behaviors will not make it where He is moving us. Many have struggled with the same issue(s) and demons for decades.  God has given you chance after chance to slay that giant, but we fail to do so. We can longer pay the sale’s price for grace.  God has freely given us chance after chance to overcome whatever our struggles have been.  He has shown us patience beyond our understanding because that is they kind of God we serve.  He gives freely without asking anything in return.

We are now entering a season where we can no longer get everything on credit.  God is asking ( not making) us to step into a realm where we no longer battle the same old same old.  He is asking us to enter into a dimension with  Him that we have never seen before.  Things can no longer be business as usual. He wants us to become the warriors He sees when He looks at each of us. We have lived below our potential for too long. Too many of us skate buy on borrowed grace given to us by a giving God.  It is time to repay the favor!  

It is time to slay the giants that have plagued us for so long.  It is time to walk fully in our purpose with the knowledge and boldness that we can overcome all things.  It is time to not back away when our trials get tough.  We must stop praying for God to slay our giants for us  because we know He will.  What do you gain when you continually stop right before the finish line?  What do you learn when daddy comes in and always fights your battles?  I can tell you it is nothing.  Yes, the problem temporarily goes away, but we learn nothing.  We have no growth or power when someone else fights our battles.  

This is the way too many have their walk with Christ to be.  We fight a good fight until it gets a little too hard and then we call in the “big guns.” I grew up with a friend who would not back down from any fight, but only because they knew their big brother(s) were always near by if things got out of hand.  Until one day when this person turned for backup no one was there.  Needless to say things did not turn out well.

Now I know God will not abandon any of His children.  My point is if my friend would have learned to depend on their own devices they would have had a much better result when facing their giant. That is what this season is calling us to do.  We must learn through these difficult times to fight for ourselves with the weapons that God is teaching us.  We have to stop praying for the battle to go away or to be saved.  Instead we must pray for the strength to go through it!  Allow God to stand by your side while you learn to fight with the weapons He will provide.  He is not asking us to fight anything or anyone  alone.  He is just asking us to grow to a place in Him where we slay our giants once and for all. 

As I have said, this season is asking us to fight like we never have before.  We are being knocked down like never before.  This is a time when our old ways of coping, fighting and dealing with our problems must change in order to be used in the days to come. The only real question is are you to step up to the plate? 


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