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Live In Your New Normal

my authentic me Aug 10, 2020

There is no denying many of us have been going through the most difficult times of our lives these last few months.  It seems around every corner we are taking another direct punch to the gut. However, many of us are also being pulled to come out a different version of ourselves.  We know that this season is requiring us to step up our game.  Situations, people, and jobs that use to fulfill us no longer seem relevant. If you have been following my blogs you will know that we are going through the cycle of transformation. 

God is evolving every aspect of who we are.  He is changing mindsets, thought processes, and so much more.  If you are like me, than you have had quite the emotional and physical roller coaster ride during this process.  Hopefully it is one you do not want to have to go through again.  I know I don’t.  As we start to emerge and head back out into the world I want to make sure you take the new you along.   We need to make sure we leave our old versions of ourselves where they the past. 

The worst thing that could happen is we go through the trials and fire of these last few months only to leave all that we have fought to  become behind.  All of our pain, tears, and suffering would be for nothing. It would be like losing the gold medal because we trip two feet before the finish line.  I want to make sure this does not happen to you!  Here are a few ways you can ensure that you enter this next chapter with every lesson you battled hard to grasp. 

First, give yourself permission to leave.  Allow those old habits, mindsets, coping mechanisms, and relationships to be left behind.  Do not let others or society try to drag you back down.  Do not shrink into the lesser version that you fought hard to get away from. By giving yourself permission to walk in the new you (your new normal) your healing and growth will only grow stronger.  Not to mention you will have the ability to walk in your authentic purpose.  That is where true peace and happiness begins.

Next, give yourself permission to have faith.  Faith that you are ready.  Faith that you will be healed in your mind, body, and spirit. Faith that you did all you could do and faith that God’s got you!

Lastly, and most importantly in my opinion, give yourself permission to pierce.  Go into this new season knowing who you really are. Know that you are bolder and wiser.  Walk in the authentic you.  Remind yourself you are not leaving the trials you went through that made you who you are today.  You just will no longer suffer from them.  You are giving yourself permission to walk in peace and implement the lessons these trials have taught you.  You are stepping into a renewed mindset where past pains only make you stronger. Instead of fearing what use to be, you now can thank God they happened & draw strength from them.  

Allow God to complete your transformation.  Do not take those pains and struggles right back. You have come too far to allow that.  Allow Him to heal you and guide you into your next phase of life. I promise you will be happier and more fulfilled then you ever have been before. 






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