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Balance Is Key

my authentic me Mar 01, 2021

Maintaining a balanced life is becoming increasingly more important for your personal health and well-being in a fast-paced, modern world. Sustaining a balanced mind, body, and spirit can help improve and stabilize overall health and wellbeing.  

For those of you that know me, already know I have lived and taught the importance of a balanced life for as long as I can remember. Looking back I have strived to live a balanced life since I was a teen. Being  a student, an all year round athlete, and having a part time job caused me to learn really quick that it was imperative to have balance in order to be successful .

Many people are led to believe that it’s impossible to find balance because there just isn’t enough time in the day or energy in the body. It simply feels impossible to balance all that life throws at us on a given day or week. Balance is often mis-understood as making all things equal and giving equal weight to all things.  According to the dictionary, balance is defined as: : a means of judging or deciding : a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence : mental and emotional steadiness.  Finding balance does not come from giving equal parts to all things.  Living a balanced life means determining what is most important to you and expending your time and energy accordingly.

Our society is busy and over- committed. Being busy is celebrated and encouraged as if it makes us more worthy and important. But I believe in order to find balance we have to avoid the trap of thinking that more things, more commitments, more everything is always better. We have to decide what it is that matters most to us and what is deserving of our time, energy, and even money, and then arrange our lives accordingly.

Once we determine what it is that we want MORE of in our life, then we also have to commit to giving LESS to other areas. And that’s okay. Yes, you read that right, it is okay to do less!

Finding balance comes from giving time and energy to the things that build you up and give you life. And likewise, eliminating the things that bring you down and stress you out.  Balance requires awareness- you must have the ability to pivot when things change. You must  learn how to prioritize on the fly in order to maintain a proper and healthy balance in life.

Ways to know your in balance:

  • never sacrifice yourself in the alter of your calendar
  • Always  leave room for the unexpected in your plan
  • Sometimes less produces more
  • Make sure to audit your output vs inputs
  • You are the CEO of you
  • Balance is a state of rest!
  • You go to sleep satisfied and not empty/ Go to sleep with a praise left 

So, I encourage you today, as you dive into another busy week full of to-do’s, commitments, and high hopes, take a moment to list out what is most important to you in your life. Keep the list short – no more than 8 – and attempt to spend your time and energy doing things that fall within those categories.

Balance will not look the same for everyone. Finding YOUR unique life balance will simplify your life in a way that brings freedom and peace of mind.


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