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Faith In The Hateful Middle

my authentic me Jan 18, 2021

We all pray for growth, prosperity, wisdom, and advancement both  spiritually and physically.  We all want that vision of being healed, having the house, spouse, kids, or the job so bad that we forget one major part.  There is always a hateful middle.  

The hateful middle is that time frame between when you wish for something better and achieving said goal.  That season where we are put through the fire or put in a pressure cooker.  Everyone knows what I am speaking about and none of us like to being there. 

Have you or someone you know vowed to loose weight?  At first you go to the gym every day and you are eating right.  Fast forward to week two or three.  Many get tired of getting up for those morning workouts and are too tired after work to go to the gym. Perhaps they find it difficult to find the time or energy to meal prep for the upcoming week.   Whatever the reason more often than not individuals give up far too quickly.

While we wait for “our time” to manifest we start out so patient and ready.  Maybe you tell yourself or others to watch out and wait to see what is coming. You speak about all the weight you are going to shed and how amazing you will look.  It is hard to contain your excitement at that start.  However, when a little time passes and you do not see any results that excitement turns to frustration. Eventually that frustration turns into doubt and doubt leads to giving up on what was once your passion for the future.    

 That is how a vast majority of people feel about 2020. It is like this year  has been nothing but one giant hateful middle.  Countless of us went it so excited and determined only to be meant by a steel wall.  The way we knew life to be was turned upside down overnight.  It seemed like the hits would not stop coming.  

I want to challenge you to look at things from another perspective.  Perhaps 2020 was not meant to destroy us but to give us downtime to strengthen and train our spirits for the birthing of our purpose. Please follow me for just a minute. 

Humanity as a whole has been longing and praying for more out of life.  Our souls and spirits have been starving for an existence with more meaning and direction.  A vast part of mankind has been dying inside. We are withering away from the mundane nature of life.  So many people’s spirits are on death’s door that something had to change.  

Alas 2020 enters. The entire world is stripped of every distraction and obstacle to force us to be faced with ourselves.  We were forced to sit with out thoughts, prayers, weaknesses, and demons.  For the first time ever we have nowhere to go or be.  This is a very scary for most of us to reside. 

Just like in a weight loss journey there will be challenges that we have to face to meet the goal we have set out to do. The same is said for praying for a better and more meaningful life. We must go through the hateful middle in order to get there.  It is all how you see the middle!

This is where the challenge comes in. The old saying be careful for what you pray for stems from the season of being in the hateful middle.  More times than not people give up during this season because it is hard. No one is denying that. Nor is anyone judging you if you have given up.  We all have at one time or another! Nonetheless we must learn to have faith in this hateful middle. 

I want to challenge you to look at this hateful middle as a time to grow and strengthen who you are.  Make up in your mind that no matter what you will not give up. Look at this season as an opportunity for bettering yourself.  Do not just see the trials and tribulations.  Focus more on the outcome and see this process as a means to reaching your fullest potential. Have faith in yourself and the process that where you are going is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears you are shedding. Also remember that this too shall pass!   

My perspective of 2020 is it has been a gift.  Yes, the road has been more than I can bear at times, but I did not give in.  Of course, I have shed tears...many tears. Most certainly I have fallen.  The key is I never gave up!  I had faith in the midst of my hateful middle.  The amazing thing is once you decide to display faith for the first time it gets easier to do. You have a foundation to build on that makes each brick you lay next easier than the one before. 

As we draw a close to this year of a hateful middle maybe you have not shown the more advanced level of faith.  That is alright!  The beauty is God will meet you wherever you are.  You can start today and watch Him work in your life.  Perhaps you have allowed the process to take place and you have displayed a greater level of faith during this season.  I congratulate you and  encourage you to keep growing.  No matter where you are on your journey choose today to implement faith in the hateful middle. 


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