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You Are Still Standing

my authentic me Jan 04, 2021

Well we made it!  It is finally 2021!  Let’s all take a moment and exhale over that fact alone. We have left the most stressful and trying year many of us have ever been through.  Maybe you had goals for 2020 that were not meant.  Perhaps you are nowhere near your original goals that you had set for yourself.  You might be feeling overwhelmed or that you failed in your efforts to better yourself over these last twelve months. 

Do you criticize yourself for not getting enough done at the end of the day? Or are you hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned? No matter what your goal is, a negative state of mind—one that’s pessimistic, self-critical, or discouraging—won’t do you any good. If this sounds anything like you I want to remind you of one thing.  You are still standing!  You are still here.  So many have been struggling with silent battles that seem to be never ending. Countless people feel like they were a punching bag for 2020. They feel alone and overwhelmed. It is no wonder that you may be feeling defeated.  

I want to take a moment to remind you to celebrate every victory no matter how small. Remember how far you have come this year. Most of all realize the strength you’ve displayed by just still standing! It is time to celebrate each victory you overcame.  It is time to start giving yourself credit. Giving yourself credit doesn't mean you're not being humble, it simply means that you are proud of yourself and your achievements no matter how big or small they may be. 

I constantly find myself downplaying my accomplishments because I don't want people to look at me as conceited.  The idea with this technique is to appreciate every step, no matter how small, that you take towards your goal. When you practice this you essentially become your own cheerleader. You focus on praising yourself instead of putting yourself down.

By being mindful of your daily achievements, you can appreciate the progress you’ve made and recognize how far you’ve come. Even if a step doesn’t go exactly as you wanted, giving yourself credit encourages you to celebrate and acknowledge the fact that you tried.

It can be easy to focus on the negatives rather than the bright side of what you’ve done. After the year we have had, it’s easy to forget to recognize what you’ve accomplished. That’s why it’s so important to give yourself a pat on the back every so often. Congratulate yourself for not giving up. Recognize your efforts at work and honor them with a good dinner. See your efforts with those around you. Celebrate your successes that you are still standing and keep pushing forward.

Change doesn’t happen overnight; but with practice, you’ll notice a difference in your mindset and your mood. Tell yourself that you can do this—that you can face the challenge you're currently dealing with.  Give yourself credit for your successes, no matter how small. If progress is slow, don’t be discouraged, just never give up!


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