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There Are Too Many Closed Doors

myauthenticme May 23, 2022

Let be start off by saying I am by no means a biblical scholar, but this is what God laid on my heart when I took time to look back on a year that’s been marked by more unexpected twists and turns than I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. So often we hear people say “If God closes one door, He’ll open another one” OR “If God closes a door, He’ll open a window”.  When you’re in recovery from a door being closed in your face, do these phrases bring you any peace? Of course they don’t.  Because when you are in the middle of your transitional season it is hard to see the light in the midst of the darkness. 

Most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with, and therefore, miss opportunities that stand right in front of them. This is why it is so difficult to see another past the closed door.  What if I told you those closed doors have perks? Closed doors provide...

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The Power In A Daily Strategy

myauthenticme Feb 15, 2021

In my last blog I wrote about knowing and loving the skin you are in.  That is the foundation to living an authentic & purposeful life.  The next vital step would have to be knowing our most valuable resource.  

Our most precious resource is not money; it is time. More specifically, the ability to gift our time to ourselves, and others, in a manner which allows us to derive the maximum enjoyment from life. Of course, just like money; how you spend your time is critically important.

“Give us this day...  We are given a certain number of days to manifest what we were put here to achieve. We must learn to value our time and know how to us it wisely.  Appreciating time has had such a profound impact on me that it’s the frame in which I ask myself important questions. Are the things that made me happy 10 years ago still making me happy? What would make me happy 20 years from now? How much happier...

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Know & Love Skin Youā€™re In

myauthenticme Feb 01, 2021

None of us are the same, and that is the beauty of creation. We all have a specific destiny to manifest.  No one is exactly like anyone else.  It would be a very boring and bland world if we all were identical wouldn’t it?  If we know this to be true, then why are so many depressed and feeling like their lives don’t matter. Truth be told it is because we fail to know our role. 

The chicken is happy is to be a chicken...they know who they are!  They do not pray for larger feathers to fly. They know they are the most asked for cuisine. They know they are not meant to soar in the sky and they most certainly know that they are not known to be majestic.  They know their purpose and that they are not like anyone else.

The eagle is majestic and functions on another level than the chicken. They soar through the sky unlike the chicken, but they are not in demand on anyone’s dinner plate. Though they are beautiful and can fly; they are not tasty...

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The Truth Hurts Sometimes

myauthenticme Dec 07, 2020

Truth is a high currency in 2020.  It is of great value.  This season is calling us to find truth.  The truth of what is going on in the world around us and the truth of who we are called to be.  Many are finding that the world is changing so fast that they do not know where they fit in anymore. So many are asking themselves what piece of the puzzle do they hold. We are at a crossroads.  You can view this pause as a stepping stone or a stumbling block.  It is all based on your perception of what the truth is. 

No one can doubt that there is a battle for your mind happening everyday.  From politics to the pandemic, it seems everyday that there are new disputes rising. If you are a believer like I am, then you know this time was predicted in Mathew 24.  It should be of no surprise that people are getting offended by every little thing (such as wearing a mask).  It should come as a shock of the uproar that is taking place in our...

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Donā€™t Give Up Your Calling

myauthenticme Nov 09, 2020

In our society today, there is a characteristic that is not common to most people – perseverance! The human default reaction to difficult times in life is to give up and go another direction. However, if you are going to succeed in life you have to have the intestinal fortitude to face tough times & NOT give up and give in into your fears.  We live in a broken world and life can be hard & unfair. There will be situations when you come up against a great wall of trouble! Many of us hate this and will just want to throw our hands in the air and give up. 

To give up means to give over or give into the control or possession of another. To give up means to stop doing something permanently. In life when we stop seeking what is next we shut off any avenue of growth or improvement. The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to NOT give up!   

There’s nothing that you can ever be in life that is greater than doing what you were...

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Judas Ate Too

myauthenticme Oct 26, 2020
Really take the time and think about this.  Jesus knew.
He goes into that room with His disciples. He knows He is going to be betrayed. He knows it is Judas who will turn against him. He knows that He has been sold out for a handful of silver. Stabbed in the back by one He has poured His life into.
Yet, in that room, hours before the death of Jesus, Judas ate too. Jesus fed Judas too. Jesus prayed for Judas too. Jesus washed Judas’ feet too. I struggle to fathom that kind of love. A love that would feed the mouth that deceived you. A love that would wash the treasonous feet of the traitor. A love that could forgive even the vilest of betrayals.
I honestly struggle to comprehend it. And then, suddenly, I realize that I’m Judas. And in that moment, I’m so thankful & altogether overwhelmed that Judas ate too.”
I thought I had “mastered” the skill of forgiving. My motto was “let go and let God.” Compared...
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Stop Fighting Spiritual Battles With Worldly Weapons

myauthenticme Sep 28, 2020

In my last blog I spoke about getting back to the basics.  Showing the foundation skills of human kindness.  Patience, love, and grace just to name a few.  I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the hate and slander that many people from ALL walks of life are displaying. 

From believer to nonbeliever and Republican to Democrat it seems that people are more focused on proving they are right instead of bringing forth authentic change.  As a former educator, to me, people participating in these exploits sound like my class of pre-k students fighting over a toy. The sad thing it is grown people behaving this way!

 I refuse to play a part of this ridiculous behavior.  I am here to shine a different light on the situation going on in our world.  I am sure I am not the only one that sees this, but we are fighting a battle of the mind with weapons of the flesh. Never in history has this worked, so I am not sure why people ( Christians...

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Back To Basics

myauthenticme Sep 14, 2020


No one can deny that  2020 has been the most difficult year that any of us have ever seen.  It has felt like around every corner there is a new bomb dropped. At best the atmosphere seems unstable and chaotic It is hard to see the light in the midst of all the darkness. It is enough to drive just about anyone mad.
I am sure we all have noticed people that were once kind and patient turn into a hostile and hatred individuals.  Personally I have been confronted by strangers who scream at me for having 16 items in the 15 items or less check out line.  I have witnessed people that were once considered friends turn on each other over wearing a mask.  We all have witnessed or experienced some pretty hateful behavior.  
We are all being tried during this season.  Everyone of us is under pressure from all angles.  No one is denying that.  My concern comes in when we as a society start turning on one...
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I Am...

myauthenticme Aug 31, 2020

Have you or  someone else ever asked want you want in life?  Have you ever been faced with the question how or why you think a certain way?  Could you answer these questions without thinking to much about them? Most of us have faced these questions, and to be honest, the majority of us are flustered with an answer.

The truth is the the vast amount of people do not know who they are at their core.  Nor do can they put into words why there are the way they are.  During 2020 God has forced us into a season to answer the I am...  He is shutting down the world so we are faced with our fears, demons, pain, blessings, and authentic desires.  This is a season of waiting and it is not the most comfortable place to be in. Almost everyone of us does not like sitting alone with their own thoughts.  That is why you find so many on their phones, laptops, social media, or t.v. all of the time.  We are a society that needs constant and consistent...

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