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The Truth Hurts Sometimes

myauthenticme Dec 07, 2020

Truth is a high currency in 2020.  It is of great value.  This season is calling us to find truth.  The truth of what is going on in the world around us and the truth of who we are called to be.  Many are finding that the world is changing so fast that they do not know where they fit in anymore. So many are asking themselves what piece of the puzzle do they hold. We are at a crossroads.  You can view this pause as a stepping stone or a stumbling block.  It is all based on your perception of what the truth is. 

No one can doubt that there is a battle for your mind happening everyday.  From politics to the pandemic, it seems everyday that there are new disputes rising. If you are a believer like I am, then you know this time was predicted in Mathew 24.  It should be of no surprise that people are getting offended by every little thing (such as wearing a mask).  It should come as a shock of the uproar that is taking place in our government and amongst races.  All we see on social media and tv are versions of truth that we are being asked to digest as the gospel. 

With all the images and arguments that we are being shoved in our faces, it is no wonder so many are still confused about what this season is for.  It is to no surprise that those that do not know the truth are anxiously waiting for this nightmare to end. Why after months they just want the world pre-covid back. I cannot even blame you if this is how you feel.  However, I do want to challenge you to think about another perception on what this time might be for. 

This season was not meant for you to live in fear.  We are not supposed to come out of this the same versions that we were before.  The world has been put on pause to buy us time.  Time to see that what we were doing was not what we were called to do.  Time to wake up to the injustices that happen around us daily.  Time to open our eyes to see that change needs to be made and time to seek out our place in order to make things right again.

Earlier I stated that you can either see this slow down as blessing or a stumbling block.  My prayer is that you see it for what it is meant to be.  That is a stepping stone.  It is a rare chance to get to know the real you.  This is an opportunity to spend time with yourself and your family to evaluate if you are doing what you were born to do. We have been given time to find the truth of who we really are without other people or circumstances telling us otherwise.  

Some find sitting  alone with nothing but their thoughts scary.  Many people do not like to dive deep into their minds to get to know themselves because the deeper you become, the more TRUTH you reveal.  And as we all know the truth can hurt sometimes.  To be honest, it scares the hell out of some. 

My challenge for you is to dive deep anyway.  Get to the truth of who you are.  Find your authentic self during this time we have been given.  The road is not easy, but until you dive to these depths you will never reach your fullest potential. I do not know about you, but that would be a fate worse than death to me.  I do not want anyone I know or care about to fall to such an ending on my watch. 


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