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What Is Your Why?

my authentic me Feb 03, 2020

In my last blog I spoke how many of us today are having an indentity crisis. We are living in an age where we try to define ourselves based upon material possessions or status.
We put so much emphasis on what others think and say that we are loosing are authentic selves.

It is time to build our foundation on who we really are so we can stop pretending.  The first step in building this solid foundation is finding your why.  Knowing your why will bring you closer to becoming the real you.  Deciding how you want to measure your life means making a stand for something and then living your life in alignment with it. Ultimately, living with purpose means focusing on things that matter most. 

Some might ask where or how to find your why. Focus on what you love, what the world needs, what you are good at, and  what you would be proud doing. Think back to what you loved to do as a child.  Recall what makes you loose track of time. What do people ask of you when they need help? These are signs of what your why is.  Here are a few specific questions to ask yourself as you start your search for your why.
What makes you come alive?
What are your innate strengths?
Where do you add the greatest value?
How will you measure your life?

Take the time to write true and authentic responses to the above questions.  It is imperative that you are honest with yourself, so you can step into the life you were meant to live.  It is obvious that you are tired of living a lie.  You no longer are allowing yourself to live beneath your potential.  You have chosen to step out of the box society or family have put you in for so long.  You  have taken the first step to your better life by defining your why.  If this process takes take you longer it is more then ok. The important thing to remember is that you are making the change! 

Along your journey of self discovery things might "get real." There may come a time when you want to go back to your comfort zone.  I know it is safe there, but remember how miserable you were when you lives there! When that voice within tells you to give up remind yourself on the benefits of becoming the real you and finding your why! 

It provides clarity in your life. People who have a sense of purpose are often seen as being unstoppable. They are capable of shaping their lives in the ways they want. When you become laser-focused on your goals, you will have no question about what you are getting up each and every day to accomplish.

It infuses you with passion for your goals & It keeps you focused on your goals. When you’ve identified your life’s purpose, it’s easier to focus on what truly matters. You’ll be better equipped to avoid distractions in order to achieve your vision. You’ll practice this trait in the workplace, at home, and in social settings.

It helps you live healthier and longer.  This is because when you are living with a purpose, you adopt a prospective focus, looking forward to the day when your purpose is fulfilled. This causes everyday stressors to become less influential and have a smaller impact on your overall well-being.

You build a life with integrity and resilience.  Those who know their purpose in life understand who they are and what they are here for. They are more satisfied in general because they’re living true to their core values. When this is the case, a person doesn't have to put on a façade or act like they are passionate about a job that they truly dislike. Instead, their passion is genuine for everything they do, and they always show up as their true selves.

I pray this these tips have helped you reflect on finding your why. This is just the tip of the iceberg of your new, purpose filled life.  I am so excited that you have chosen to leave the everyday normalcy of life & step into your calling.  I promise you will not regret it. 


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