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my authentic me Mar 16, 2020

The past few months I have spoken about taking time to reflect, knowing your why, and identity crisis. God has put these topics so heavily on my mind and I can see why.  It’s time to decide who you are going to be? The old you or the new you. We are at a point in time when we can no longer live in limbo. We must stop going back and forth on who and what we want to be.  Either choose to step into your purpose or remain where you are at.  

We are all born having an image that the world and others have for us.  Wether it is your parents that insist you become a doctor or lawyer.  Maybe you grew up being told that you were a nobody and would never amount to anything.  No matter the circumstances none of us have to live under those rules.  We cannot help what we are born into, but we can decide what path we take in life. 

I have chosen to step out of the image that others had for me.  It is a choice I have yet to regret.  The process has been a long and tough road, but it is completely worth it.  I started taking time to reflect. Reflect on who I was and where I wanted to be. I had to shed the restrictions, limitations, and thoughts that others were giving me.  To some extent I always strived to live my life under my standards, but after much thought I quickly saw that I was still putting other people's views ahead of my own. During this process of reflection I realized I had somewhat of an identity crisis. Although I had an idea of who and what I wanted to be, I still was confused. 

I wrote down what I thought I wanted verses what others had always told me.  I took time to evaluate the relationships I had.  Were those around me behind my vision for myself?  Did my circle of people support & encourage me?  Did others have the same vision as I did? Were they growing with me or staying stagnant?  I now can see that I was checking the "flow" of the people I let into my life.  Truth be told, some relationships are meant to distract you and all out destroy you.  If we continue to allow these relationships to prosper, then we take the chance of never reaching our fullest potential.  We must make some tough decisions on rather to keep people around or let them go.

Once I made those required changes (which takes time) I felt I could find my why.  I had to remove certain people and situations first to get a real picture of where I was headed.  I searched for what drove me, what was passionate about, and what  my anointing(s) is. With the distractions out of the way my vision was much more clear.  My why seemed to jump out at me. 

Looking back I see what I was going through over this last few months personally is also what I was writing about.  God put me through this process because so many of us are struggling in the in between.  We are setting up camp between who we are told to be and who we are called to be.  Living in this limbo mentality is the worst existence. I truly believe that this is why depression and suicide are so high & why they are on the rise.  

God is wanting to break this cycle of destruction.  We were never meant to live in such a tormented state of mind.  God is showing us a way out if we choose to take it.  Sadly, a lot of us will choose to stay with that is safe no matter the cost.  Many will not  like going through the process of reflection, flow (evaluation of our surroundings), figuring out our i.d. crisis, and finding our why so we can step into our real selves.  Many will think it is too hard or that they could never accomplish such tasks.  With all do respect, I am not talking to those people. I am speaking to the called!  Those that  are willing to face any battle to reach where they want to be. 

There are generations inside of you, and it’s time to let them loose! Your story will bless so many. What you have to say will effect the young and the old.  The trials that you have overcome will save so many lives.  You just have to step out. Continue to let God birth what is inside of your heart.  I guarantee you will not regret it. 


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