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my authentic me Apr 20, 2020

April is almost done. Most of us have been in self isolation well over a month.  We are in the midst of  round 2. The reason I  call it that is because we all start out with the best intentions.   Maybe you  started off the quarantine with the mind set that you were going to get organized,  Wether it be your house or eating habits. You decided to take the time God has given and use it wisely.  Maybe you started working out a few times a week , you made sure you got your steps in, and you cut your calorie intake. Maybe you started to organize the cluttered garage.  You were diligent for about the first week...maybe even two.  Then something happened. The reality of the job hit you like a ton of bricks.  You started seeing  yourself slowly tapering off until you are back to your old habits.  The garage only got half way done. You workout routine is no more.  If this is not you, and you are still going strong I am not speaking to you. I am addressing those that are struggling to keep up.  I am talking to those that have given up on themselves and a better life. 

This is when the concept of round 2 comes in. At the start we are pumped up.  We just know that we are going to crush every goal that is put in front of us.  We have all the drive one could have to start such a destination.  Then it hits you!  You quickly see that getting up for those
5 a.m. workouts are not as easy. You have no energy left for work or family.  Maybe the pain of working out becomes too much for you to handle, and you think you are better off the way you were before. It might be you are not seeing the results on the scale that you want.  Whatever the reason for your loss of momentum the result is the same.  
Things were harder then you anticipated so you give up. 

I want to challenge your mindset whenever you find yourself thinking like this.  Instead of throwing in the towel on your goals tell yourself you are now in round 2. Round 2 is where you   regroup, adjust, move from conceptual perception into actual/reality perception.  You envisioned
the way you thought events would play, but the reality was much different.  In round 2 you know the actual perception vs what you imagined.  It is actually a powerful  place to be in. You now know what to expect so you can adjust accordingly.  This is where you take the time to regroup and find a more fitting strategy that will work best for you.  By knowing the actual perception you can formulate the changes (adjust) that fit best. Then you can implement the necessary modifications (move into conceptual perception). You will find your flow is better once you know what you are working with.   There will be fewer setbacks so your determination will stay strong.  You will be moving in a proper alignment that works best for you.

Ask yourself if you have given up in this round and be honest.  Did you give up on what you started out to do because it was not what you expected?  If you your answer is yes do not worry.  
My challenge to you is this. Instead of throwing in the towel realize that you are in round 2 and know you must move from conceptual perception into a reality based perception.  Remember that you are not alone.  We all have been in this place and we will again.  They key is to not give up. This is where champions are made.  Starting round 2 is a major cross roads.  We either give up on ourselves or find a new way to reach that next level.  The choice is yours. 


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