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Lord Show Me... Me

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2020

Something has been weighing so heavy on my spirit during this challenging season. So many are scared and miserable with the way their life is, but cannot/ will not change their circumstances.  There is a common denominator in each case. Fear! There is a fear of showing the world the real you... the authentic you. We are so afraid to be authentic because it leads us to being vulnerable.  When we are vulnerable in our empty, we fear the judgement, persecution, and facing the empty.  We have to SEE what and where we lack.  However, in a way we are most alive when we are in “our empty” We must learn to live in these places because this is where God can work with us the most.  It is there that we will be able hear the voice of God, and make the necessary changes so we can reach our fullest potential. 

Instead of facing and dwelling in this place(s) we distract ourselves with friends, work, and family to avoid being alone and feeling the pain. We must learn to live in the hollow/empty places.  JUDGES 15:19.  God works with us and in us here! Without ever allowing our minds to face our empty we are forgoing the person we are called to be.  We are giving up the dreams that we have had for so long and all out of fear. 

If we do not face this hollow place, then it will end up killing us!  If we do not address the hidden corners of our minds, then they will consume our spirits. This is why you see successful people killing themselves.  Money, fame, and earthly things do not fill that void we all have. This is why people keep ending up in the same place because they do not face their empty
-bad relationships
-failure professionally

We do our best to present a version of ourselves to the world that reflects we have it all figured out.  When in all honesty we sometimes are barely staying afloat.  Once we can stare down the demons of past pain and suffering  we can see that it is not up to us to fight these battles alone. We will see that it will not be OUR  strength that will lead us to victory over the dark corners of our minds. It will be by the strength of  God that we will be able to overcome anything that comes against us. Through being authentic and vulnerable we will slay every giant with the strength of Christ. By venturing into our dark abyss He will pour life and light back into those empty places.  He will bring you victory.

When you are “stuck” in life, it  maybe because you have to deal and dwell in the hollow place!  God can only bless you and take you so far on credit blessings. He can only dive as deep as you are willing to go.  We must work through our issues of fear and insecurity in order to fulfill our purpose in this life. Stop being a hollow warrior..where you are strong to everyone else, but you are dead on the inside!  To go where God is wanting to take us we have to lose ourselves in order to find Him. It is time to allow God to turn you into the conqueror you are meant to be.


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