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Take a Breath

my authentic me May 25, 2020

As if everyday life was not stressful enough. We have been thrown into a season of pure chaos.  Our daily lives have changed literally overnight.  Our world has turned up side down in a blink of an eye. It is easier now than ever before to get  overwhelmed.

If you are someone that seems to  get bogged down and fear of everyday life overtakes your rational thinking try & remember life is a series of  little decisions. We don't have to have all of the answers right now.  Not everything needs to be figured out. It is ok to take a step back and just breathe. Do your your best to look at the big picture that .Try to focus on the that this too shall pass and that if you really look at things you have all you need for today!

If you are one that just wants a trial over asap no matter what the cost and all you see is the big picture. If you are one to forge through with your head down and only focus on the end, then I want to encourage you to take a step back as well.  Only you need to see the everyday blessings that you are missing.  Ask yourself what is this season teaching me? What can I take from this time to make myself and others better when this all ends. You need to slow down and take a breathe to see that lessons you are meant to learn so you can come out on the other side stronger that ever.

Life is about balance.  We cannot live too much in yesterday, today, or tomorrow.  Learn to take what learned from your past, figure out the lessons that are to be learned in the present, and prepare for the future without worrying.  This is when authentic peace comes in every storm life will throw at us.  


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