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my authentic me Dec 16, 2019

Has anyone every told you that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or not capable of  accomplishing a goal you had set for yourself?  Have you even fallen when trying to reach the next level and someone takes it upon themselves to tell you it was not meant to be? I am sure we can all think of a time when this has happened to us.  It makes you feel worthless and  frustrated. You may think that you are not good enough for whatever it is you were working.  Maybe you even started to believe what others were telling you, so you give up on your dream.

I have seen this happen too may times to me and others.  Nothing is more painful to watch the spark fade from someone's eye or watch the fire go out on a dream. Over the years I have asked myself why we allow other people's (or our own) thoughts to dictate what we do in our lives.  The truth hit me one day when I was told I would never achieve something based on an action I had taken.  I was told to give up and that my goal was unattainable. It was at that point when it hit me.  They are telling me what they would do if they were in my position.  I told myself they are not me though! 

People have the tendency to reflect their own fears and insecurities on to others.  This especially happens when we are at our lowest point.  It is like the want to kick us when we are down.  Maybe they want to save us from the hard road it will take to get where we want to go.  Whatever the reason, you can almost guarantee that when you are down on your luck someone will be there to remind you. 

I am here to tell you something different.  Those times that you have fallen will come.  The road will be difficult from time to time.  Everything around you may even point in the opposite direction of where you are wanting to go.  When you find yourself in these situations remember it is a setback!  No ones said the journey would be easy.  You are bound to have bumps along the way.  It is at these times where you have to dig deeper and keep fighting. True victory necessitates consistency.  You have to keep striking until your dream becomes a reality.  That is how true champions are made.  They are the individuals that choose to walk through the fire no matter how hot the flames get. They are the people that know from a setback is merely a platform for a major comeback.  Who will you choose to be today?


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