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Join the On-T.A.P. Tribe Community for FREE and gain access to additional content. 

What is the Tribe Community and why should I join?

  • It's a Private "Facebook-like" platform outside of Social Media where likeminded people can connect, share, communicate, and find the tools, trainings, encouragement, and accountability they're looking for to take them to the next level in personal development.
  • Great tips on how to Authenticate, Validate, & Recreate your unique journey to living an Authentic Life!
  • Special Trainings
  • Connect with like-minded people outside of a Social Media platform with direct message capabilities.
  • Access to On-Demand Videos, Resources, etc.
  • Gain insight with thought provoking Topics and lessons.
  • Did we mention it's FREE!!
  • So click the link to Join and introduce yourself today!

The On-T.A.P. Tribe Community is an endeavor of The Authentication Process (T.A.P.). T.A.P. is a community platform designed to provide those seeking to discover true and authentic Purpose for their lives the training, tools, processes, and accountability required for lasting change. We provide a process for how you can Authenticate, Validate, and Re-Create a life filled with Passion and Purpose and ultimately encapsulated by Peace!

The Authentic Life Credo is "The very Unique and Personal Journey. Wherein your Faith ignites your Passion. And the Relentless pursuit of Purpose reveals your Authentic Destiny!"

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